

Gender Based Violence
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global phenomenon that violates human rights and has life-threatening implications. Although GBV affects all people, women are most at risk with 1 in 3 women experiencing gender-based violence in their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization, 30% of women worldwide have experienced physical and/ or sexual violence, and 38% of murders of women are committed by intimate partners.’ In Canada, a woman Is murdered by her Intimate partner every six days. Women and Gender Equality Canada states that populations more at risk of GBV include women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQ2 and gender non-binary people, racialized people, those living in northern, rural, and remote communities, persons with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, children, youth, and seniors. The intersection of any two or more risk factors compounds a person’s risk and vulnerability to violence
Project Overview
Black Women Business Network with support from Canadian Women’s Foundation Safer and Stronger Grants Program is implementing the Preventing Gender-Based Violence project, to raise awareness on violence against women, change attitudes, question gender roles and stereotypes, and provide linkages to community support programs

Project Objectives
Public Awareness
Raise public awareness about the drivers, scale, and impact of violence against women, especially within migrant communities, where cultural norms and practices support silence.
Promote awareness campaigns and training programs that aim to challenge attitudes, stereotypes, and gender roles underpinning violence.
Men Participation
Galvanize the participation and action of men in the fight against violence against women.
Strengthen the self-esteem and autonomy of women at risk of violence through empowerment programs.
Provide emergency mental health services to victims of psychological and physical violence.
Abuse prevention
Empower women to assess the risk of violence in their relationship and take action to prevent psychological and physical abuse.

Key Project Approach

BWBN working closely with partners and the Canadian Women’s Network will use three key approaches to accomplish the objectives of the Eradicating Violence against Women project:
- Awareness-raising workshops and multi-stakeholder dialogues on gender inequality and violence against women.
- Large-scale campaigns to educate the public about the causes, implications, and effect of violence against women. Providing support and emergency care to victims of violence.
- A human rights-based approach drives our implementation, ensuring we hear the voices of those most at risk, and we address the root causes of violence against women, not just its symptoms.
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