What is Thought Exchange ?
Thought Exchange is an online engagement app built and managed by Fulcrum Management Systems, Ltd., a company based in B.C. The platform is designed to let us respectfully share critical, concrete thoughts with each other and respond to them in real time, giving us nuanced and immediate feedback about the ideas and experiences we have in common and the ones we don’t. To learn more about ThoughtExchange, please visit their website: www.thoughtexchange.com
Participating in ThoughtExchange is completely anonymous, and we’re taking steps to ensure your privacy is protected. (Learn how BCIT and Thought Exchange will keep your information safe (BCIT to provide Hyper link to a Privacy and Data Collection notice).
How to Participate
1. Select the conversation you want to participate in – there will be two “big questions” to answer, and each question will have its own exchange.
2. Tell us a bit about you – First, you will be asked to answer a question so we can understand your relationship and role within the tech ecosystem in BC and Alberta.
3. Share – Provide a short thought in response to the question(s). Then, offer a brief explanation about why your thought is important. Share as many thoughts as you would like.
4. Star – Read and rate the thoughts of others from 1 to 5 stars depending on how much you agree. This process is completely anonymous. Rating thoughts helps us understand which thoughts participants have in common, and which they don’t.
5. Discover – Browse the results to see what topics have emerged and which ideas are most popular.
6. Repeat – Check back regularly to see how the conversation is evolving! The questions are open for 2 weeks (May 23 – June 7), and the more you share, star and discover, the more we’ll know about the thoughts and potential opportunities, and what we could do collectively to increase representation of Black women in tech.