The BWBN Black Women Economic Development Center (BWEDC) aims to enable black women to build successful businesses and careers by providing support through skills development, resources, and community. BWEDC provides unique programs and services to black women at all stages of business through advising, financing, mentoring, and network development.

We offer a variety of training opportunities and events that address the needs of women at different stages of their careers, both at the entrepreneurial and professional levels. Our trainings are relevant, interactive, practical and are conducted by our staff or experience consultants online or in the classroom.
Primary focus:
- Eliminate the educational and occupational differences that exist between the general population and the black female community through skilling.
- Improved results and graduation rates for black girls in primary, secondary and tertiary schools in Canada
- Promoting vocational and higher education for black girls
- Promoting S.T.E.M. education for black girls
- Access and Affordability for the Black Female Community
Start Up
The week-long start-up camp aims to support self-driven and innovative black women entrepreneurs by enabling them to turn their idea into an entrepreneurial enterprise. The program, run by experienced black entrepreneurs with selected public sector interventions, provides entrepreneurs with business knowledge to use in the initial phase through an instruction mix of
- E-learning and classroom-based entrepreneurship courses
- A choice of relevant and specifically designed courses such as business plans, social media, marketing, finance, human resources, tax and compliance, etc.
The program also provide access to successful black female experts and consultants with lived in expertise in their area of expertise
For existing companies, the Growth Workshop will help equip your existing company for growth and success. The Business Growth Program provides depth of expertise to help existing companies grow their business. Our trainers and consultants provide insight into the professional and personal challenges that entrepreneurs in the business sector will face and help program participants gain access to resources and skills that will give their company the best chance of success. The workshop covers topics including access to credit, cash flow management, management, corporate strategy, taxation, social media and marketing, etc.
Several studies have shown that the gap between race and gender, along with negative prejudice and lack of access to networks, creates significant barriers to funding. This disproportionately affects women and women owned companies. The BWEDC has therefore designed access to financing workshops to help black women in businesses learn about the various financial opportunities in the market and apply for loans and grants. Topics covered include business plans, compliance, financing preparation, pitching, etc. The dates of the funding workshops can be found on the event pages here
Get certified in Women Owned Business Certification and the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council. Major international companies, such as Accenture, AIG, American Express, Avon, AVIS, BDC, BP, Dell, Facebook, Marriott, Mastercard, Microsoft, Walmart, etc., who are known as buyer members, want to do business with companies managed and controlled by women verified by WEConnect International. Expand your business with the Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) certificate! The BWEDC will work with your company to help you prepare for either WBE certification or the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council, or both to open up new revenue and growth opportunities for your women-owned business.