The Black Women Business Network (BWBN) will be hosting a storytelling event on September 22nd 2022 as a part of its Black Women in Tech Project. Over the past months, BWBN has engaged the Tech community and the Black community through surveys, various focus groups, and co-creation workshops to discuss the barriers contributing to the underrepresentation of Black women in tech and potential solutions. BWBN is now bringing members and employers in the Tech community and members and leaders of the Black community to continue these conversations in a storytelling event.
The purpose of the event is to share insights, stories, and emerging recommendations from the conversations we have had with the Tech and Black Communities
Who's coming?
- Black high school students in Tech/STEM clubs and black post-secondary students pursuing Tech/STEM education
- Black women professionals who are curious about Tech and looking to Transition into Tech
- Black Women in Tech
- Black men in Tech
- Leaders from diverse Black Communities
- Other members of the black communities
- Tech community/employers
- Project Sponsor – Representatives from the Federal Government – Women and Gender Equality Canada
- BC Government Representatives
- Project Partners – British Columbia Institute of Technology
Key outcomes:
- Build connections and relationships between tech players and members of the Black community
- Showcase the commitment of the Tech Community to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity and commitment to increasing the representation of Black Women in Tech
- Raise the awareness of the Black community about career opportunities in the Tech Sector
- Test potential solutions to address identified challenges through storytelling and dialogue.
- Inspire mutual commitment and action to increase the representation of Black women in tech.
If you would like to learn more about this event, please email nafoni@blackwomencanada.org .
Event Timeline
Event opens
Light refreshments, live music, and networking
Welcome, Shared Purpose, and Consultation Playback
- Opening remarks and shared purpose
- Session guiding principles + Playback on 'What We Heard' thus far
Engage with the Heart
Action-based storytelling
Fireside panel